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Just Thinking

Feb 14 absolute favorite month of all!  This month is so exciting to me because it gives us the opportunity to celebrate the greatest gift of all, love.  I know this holiday is looked at by many with much disdain, but this year, take the opportunity to take the romance out of it, and focus on the heart and soul of the holiday.  LOVE.  Love is a commandment that we, as Christians are supposed to fulfill.  We are called to simply, love.  There are so many hurting, discouraged and lonely people in this world.  Although we may not be able to fix every sad, heartbreaking situation people face, we can bring hope and encouragement through LOVE.  I strongly encourage you to study 1 Corinthians chapter 13, this month.  Verses, 4-7 describe love in the way God intended it to be.  Choose one verse a week to apply to your life, this month and watch as the lives of those around are uplifted.

4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;
6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Simply, LOVE.

Dec 24

Well, as one of my favorite carols states, It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!  That time of favorite time of year is already here!  I love this time of year so much because all around there are constant reminders to love, share, care, and give.  It is a time of year for families to grow closer and create precious memories that will last forever.

I love spending the holidays with my family.  We have such a fantastic time together!  We eat waaaaayy too much food, play all sorts of games, sing, laugh, and just simply "be" together.  I am constantly reminded of how blessed I am and my heart is so full.

The joy of the Lord surrounds this season, and we as believers and followers of the King should embrace every opportunity we have to spread the joy.  Never forget the reason for this season.  Christ came so that "we may have life and have it more abundantly."  So GO!!  Love, share, care, give, and make wonderful memories!  Wishing you all a very blessed and merry CHRISTmas!

May 24

A couple of musicians working hard in the studio!

May 21

Sine, one of the most adorable babies in the world, came by to visit me in his dad's studio while we were working on my new project! Here's a quick pic!

May 18
May 14

I like to be futuristic and visionary, but a lot can be learned from our past.  Here are a few things that tell you a little bit about me.  I adore Winnie the Pooh, and actually have 75 of these tumbly bears.  Then there's Pocahontas, which I talked about in a previous blog... my Pocahontas doll, my Pocahontas costume, and my imagination.  My love for horses runs deep, even though I have never owned one. Chickasaw, an Appaloosa, is my favorite horse to ride out at Traveler's Rest Farm.  I didn't mind riding Paleface until he bucked me off one summer.  The pink cowboys boots, ooohhh yeah, I would wear these dolls to Sunday School and my teachers would always get a kick out of it!

On a more serious note, the Bible that you see in this picture was given to me when I was two years old and is still my favorite.  I was baptized at age seven, and at age nine became a North American Bible Quizzer.  All of the boxes in this picture are full of verse cards.... over 4,000 scriptures that I have memorized and try to apply to my life.  Hope you enjoy this little slice of my life!

May 11

Not only do I love the history of Pocahontas, but the Disney movie is my absolute favorite!  Since I was about four or five years old, I have been watching this movie and pretending to be Pocahontas.  I recently found the Pocahontas costume that I would wear as I would jump off the recliner and run down the hall, acting as if I were her while I watched the movie.  Once outside, I would jauntily run down a winding stone path around a magnificent live oak in our backyard.  The live oak became Grandmother Willow, and my dog became Meeko.  My imagination would always take me back hundreds of years to a place in time where I was an indian princess!

May 6

Graduation is almost here, and I can't wait!  This past Sunday our church hosted a reception for the 2010 graduates.  I especially liked Nichole Smith's view that "learning does not end at graduation but lasts for a lifetime."  I've always had this idea as I was a home school student for 10 years.  I also appreciate that she inspired me to read more and to stay grounded in truth.

Here are a few pics of my graduation table and family and friends!

Apr 26

I have a dead flower garden in my car!
