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Just Thinking

Nov 2

O.K. so this past Saturday our youth group went to Six Flags... and we had a blast! We left bright and early at 5 A.M., and I think I was the only one really awake... I'm pretty sure my hyperness was irritating everyone else, but oh well I was super stoked!

On the way, I made a bet with one of my friends, Alex, that if we made it there before 10:30, I would get all of his money... lol... well thanks to our pawpaw driver, Jerry, we got there at 11. So I lost... but it's cool. :)

We finally went into the park and rode every ride possible! It was soooo much fun! By 5 o'clock we were all exhausted and ready to leave, so we headed out. On the way home we stopped by a store and got a little snack to tide us over until we got home. My good friend, Frankie, bought himself the biggest KIT-KAT bar imaginable! Well, we were in the parking lot just chillin until all 40 of us kids were ready to climb back on the van. Apparently the giant KIT-KAT fell out of the van because about an hour later Frankie starts freaking out because he can't find his candy bar! After about 25 minutes of Aundi, Brad, and me crawling around under seats looking for it... all the while trying not to wake everyone else up, we stop on the side of the road and start tearing the van apart to find this Frankie's beloved candy bar! By this time, it was about 9 o'clock. I had worn some ROCKIN green polka dotted socks and my UGG boots thinking it was going to be cold. While we were frantically looking for the candy, Brad thought it would be funny to take my boots and put them on the side of the interstate! As I jumped out to get them, Brad decides to chunk them in the woods... so we were out there... in the woods... late at night... in the cold... AND I was barefoot... looking for my boots! When we found them, we headed back to the van only to find that the van was no longer where we left it! The van was at the next exit ramp. So Brad and I run to catch the van and head home... and thanks to Frankie's KIT-KAT we got home at about 2 in the morning! :)

Oct 30

I'm sitting here at McAlister's with my great friend (the biggest nerd i know) Mr. Cameron Brister!! A.K.A. BRUSTER! Our lunch was actually going quite well until a woman walked in, in her fishnet hose and go go boots... it wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't at least 72 years old!!! And her hair is redder than Raggedy Ann's : /. And just our luck she, of course, is sitting right across from us... poor Cameron, he is lucky enough to get the great view, and it is such a distraction he completely forgot about his 2 o'clock class!!! Shame shame:(... anyway, now I am off to my art class! I will be blogging more later! :) ***truly*** Hayley ;)

Oct 23

After the concert, I went STRAIGHT to Popeyes to get my usual #1 combo, only to find out that the #1 combo no longer exists! The #1 is now a #2! Fast forward to 1 a.m. I am now drinking hot green tea with honey and lemon, under much protest. It tastes disgusting and makes me ill, but it works, and I'm ready to sing again! :) ***truly*** Hayley ;)

Oct 20

Check out the "Just Thinking" category to see a little of what Hayley's been thinking about lately...
